You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 1996-2000 > Chamber of Deputies > Committees > Regulament Printable version

Position Deputy Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Ghidău Radu
chairperson since 3 dec. 1998
PNȚCD 03.12.1998
2. Vice-Chairpersons Bivolaru Ioan
vice-chairperson since 3 dec. 1998
PDSR 03.12.1998
3. Secretaries Brezniceanu Alexandru
secretary since 3 dec. 1998
USD-PD 03.12.1998
4. Members Mândroviceanu Vasile PNL 03.12.1998
5.   Paneș Iosif Minoritati 03.12.1998
6.   Secară Gheorghe PUNR 03.12.1998
7.   Székely Ervin-Zoltan UDMR 03.12.1998

Former members of the committee
Deputy Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Duțu Ion PRM 03.12.1998 10.07.2000
2. Putin Emil-Livius-Nicolae USD-PSDR 03.12.1998 25.03.1999

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 15 january 2025, 23:20