You are here: Home page > Parliamentary bodies 2008-2012 > Senate > Committees > Regulament Printable version

Position Senator Parliamentary
Member since
1. Chairperson Dumitru Constantin
chairperson since 16 feb. 2011
PNL 16.02.2011
2. Vice-Chairpersons Mitrea Miron Tudor
vice-chairperson since 1 sep. 2010
PSD 01.09.2010
3. Secretaries Pașca Liviu Titus
secretary since 2 mar. 2011
PNL 02.03.2011
4. Members Cseke Attila-Zoltán UDMR 05.09.2011
5.   Mihăilescu Petru Șerban Prog. 16.02.2011

Former members of the committee bureau
Position Senator Parliamentary
Member of the bureau
since until
1. Chairperson Igaș Traian Constantin PD-L   04.10.2010
2.   Mocanu Toader PD-L 04.10.2010 16.02.2011
3. Vice-Chairpersons Țuțuianu Adrian PSD   01.09.2010
4. Secretaries Ghișe Ioan PNL   02.03.2011

Former members of the committee
Senator Parliamentary
Member of the committee
since until
1. Cseke Attila-Zoltán UDMR   03.03.2010
2. Ghișe Ioan PNL   02.03.2011
3. Gyerkó László UDMR 03.03.2010 05.09.2011
4. Igaș Traian Constantin PD-L   04.10.2010
5. Mocanu Toader PD-L 04.10.2010 04.04.2011
6. Țuțuianu Adrian PSD   01.09.2010

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania wednesday, 11 september 2024, 5:35