Personal data
Date and place of birth: 8 August 1956
Civil status: married
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Transport, department: Road Motor Vehicles - Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest
Political activity
secretary general of the PDSR (PSD);
since 2000 minister of transport and public works
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1996;
November 1996-December 1999 secretary of the Standing Bureau of
the Chamber of Deputies;
vice-leader of the Parliamentary Group of the PSD;
February-June 2000 vice-president of the Standing Bureau;
September- November 2000 quaestor of the Standing Bureau;
since 2000, member of the Committee for Foreign Policy;
initiator of the legislative proposals for the establishment of the communes of Negresti, Ploscuteni, Popesti, and Paulesti in Vrancea