Personal data
Date and place of birth: 6 June 1956, Traian, Olt County
Civil status: married, 1 child
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Electronics, department: Electronic computers, class of 1982
University of Timisoara
Political activity
1990 member of the FSN;
vice-president of the FDSN, Drobeta-Turnu Severin Branch;
1990-1991 vice-mayor, Drobeta-Tumu Severin
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1992 ;
member of the Committee for Human Rights, Cults, and Issues of the National Minorities;
secretary of the Romania-Lebanon friendship parliamentary group;
since 2000, president of the Committee for Regulations;
member of the Committee for Culture, Arts, and Mass Media;
member of the Parliamentary commission for drawing up the draft decision for amending and completing the Regulations of the joint meetings of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate;
member of the Validation Committee;
secretary of the Romania-Iran friendship parliamentary group
Professional activities
1982 -1983 engineer with the
Shipyard, Drobeta- Tumu Severin;
1983 - 1990 head of laboratory, IIRUC, Bucharest;
1991-1992 director of the INTERST AR SRL company