Constantin NICULESCU
Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Date and place of birth: 18 Mai 1940, Ramnicu-Valcea
Civil status: married, 1 child

Education; scientific degrees

Faculty of Mechanics, department: motor cars and tractors - "Transilvania" University, Brasov

Political activity

1995-1998 president of the National Drivers' Party;
1998-2001 member of the PDSR Central Executive Bureau;
2001-2002 member of the PSD Central Executive Bureau;
1998-2002 president of the National Forum of the Drivers in the PDSR (PSD);
2000-2002 vicepresident of the Tulcea County PSD Executive Bureau

Parliamentary activity

since 2000, member of the Committee for Foreign Policy;
vice-president of the Executive Committee of the Romanian Group in the Interparliamentary Union;
president of the Romania-Greece and Romania-Tunisia and member of the Romania-Brazil and Romania-Turkey friendship parliamentary groups

Professional activities

Profession: engineer
departmental head at the Auto Transport Company, Brasov ;
substitute teacher at the "loan Mesota" High School, Brasov;
president of the Romanian Motor Car Club;
car technical expert;
member of the Management Council of the Diplomatic Club in Bucharest;
member ofthe Executive Board of the Romanian Association for the History of Science and Technics

Books and papers published

theoretical papers on: car tourism, car operation and reliability, articles in the "Autoturism" magazine

Awards, decorations

"Professor Dimitrie Leonida, PhD, M.S." Academic Award;
Gold medal awarded by the Academy of Arts, Culture, and History in Brazil, and the Drivers' Association in USA

Languages skills

French, English

Address of the MP's office

8800- Tulcea, Str. Pacii nr. 20, et. 3, cam. 308
Telephone: 021/3155510, 021/2128249, 021/3128462, fax 0240/519533