Personal data
Date and place of birth: 3 January 1944, Berveni commune, Satu Mare County
Civil status: 1 child
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Foreign Trade Academy of Economic Studies
Political activity
member of the UDMR
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1990;
secretary of the Economic Committee;
1992-1996 member of the Committee for Foreign Policy;
1996-2000 member of the Committee for Economic Policy, Reform, and Privatisation;
since 2000, member of the Committee for Economic Policy, Reform, and Privatisation;
president of the Romania Austria friendship parliamentary group, and member of the Delegation of Romania to the Interparliamentary Union
Professional activities
Profession: economist
1966-1970 economist with the Ministry of Tourism;
1970-1988 head of import-export department with the UNIO company, Satu Mare
Languages skills
English, German
Address of the MP's office
Satu Mare, Calea Traian nr. 2, etaj III
e-mail: forum@p5netro
Telephone: parliamentary group 021-314-2049, standing committee 021-314-2859, deputy's office 0261-710-778