Personal data
Date and place of birth: 26 September 1938, Carasova, Caras-Severin County
Civil status: married, 1 child
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Philology University of Bucharest
Political activity
president of the Union of the Croatians of Romania;
secretary general of the Union of the Croatians of Romania;
Parliamentary activity
since 2000 member of the Committee for Education, Science, Youth, and Sports;
member of the Romania- United Kingdom and Romania-Austria friendship parliamentary groups;
initiator of the legislative proposals for amending and completing the Law no. 70 on local elections and for amending and completing article 37 of the Law no. 53/1991 on the allowances and other rights of the senators and deputies, as well as the wages of the personnel belonging to the Parliament of Romania, republished
Professional activities
Profession: teacher of Croatian and Serbian, with Romanian as secondary language;
school headmaster; arts centre director;
editor of textbooks;
editor of a Croatian publication
Languages skills
Russian, French
Address of the MP's office
Telephone: 315.09.96