Personal data
Date and place of birth: 25 April 1959
Civil status: married, 2 children
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Mathematics - University of Bucharest;
PhD in mathematics
Political activity
member of the Union of the Armenians of Romania
Parliamentary activity
since 2000, leader of the Parliamentary Group of the National Minorities;
member of the Committee for the Drawing of the Legislative proposal concerning the Review of the Constitution;
member of the Romania-India and Romania-Hungary and vice-president of the Romania-Armenia friendship parliamentary groups;
initiator of the legislative proposals for amending and
completing the Law no. 70/1991 on the local elections; on
the status of the notary's electronic activity
Professional activities
Profession: mathematician
1984-1990 Computer Equipment Institute;
since 1990, professor's assistant, Faculty of Mathematics - University of Bucharest
Languages skills
Address of the MP's office
Constanta, str. Cuza Voda nr.35
Telephone: parliamentary group 3150996, standing
committee 402.16.10, deputy's office 0241/61.56.14