Camelia-Margareta BOGDĂNICI
Parliamentary activity in legislature 2012-2016

Constituency no.24 IASI, uninominal college no.8

Political party:
PDL-Democratic Liberal Party - until feb. 2014
independent  - since feb. 2014
 - until feb. 2015
UNPR-Uniunea Nationala pentru Progresul Romaniei - since feb. 2015

Parliamentary group:
The parliamentary group of the Democrat Liberal Party - until feb. 2014
The parliamentary group of the Social Democrat Party - since feb. 2015
 - until feb. 2016
The parliamentary group of UNPR - since feb. 2016 Vice-Leader - since sep. 2016

Standing committees
Committee for Health and Family - Vice-Chairperson (until sep. 2014), Secretary (since feb. 2015)

Parliamentary delegations:
Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - since apr. 2015 deputy

Parliamentary friendship groups:
 Friendship parliamentary group with Australia - until jun. 2014
 Friendship parliamentary group with State of Israel - until jun. 2014
 Friendship parliamentary group with Slovak Republic  Chairperson - since dec. 2013
 - until jun. 2014
 Friendship parliamentary group with Belgium - since jun. 2014
 Friendship parliamentary group with Hellenic Republic  Secretary