Personal data
Date and place of birth: 5 March 1953, Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea County
Civil status: married, 2 children
Education; scientific degrees
Faculty of Aircraft Building - Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest;
1990 specialisation courses on parliamentary issues, in Canada;
1991 specialisation courses on issues of democratic institutions, in the USA
Professional activities
Profession: aircraft engineer
Political activity
1990 member of the CPUN; member of the PD ; president of the Dolj County PD Organisation, since
1900 ; 1990-2000 executive vice-president and vicepresident of the PD at national level; currently, member of the PD National Standing Bureau; 1998-2000 Minister of Industry and Trade
Parliamentary activity
deputy, since 1990; 1991-1998 vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies;
1997-1998 and since 2000 member of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
member of the Romania-China and Romania-Thailand friendship parliamentary groups
Languages skills
French, English, Italian
Address of the MP's office
Telephone: 402.10.58