Parliamentary activity
2020-present (sen.)
legislative initiatives
voting records
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Raluca-Gabriela IOAN
Parliamentary activity in legislature 2020-present

Constituency no.41 VRANCEA

Political party:
PNL-National Liberal Party

Parliamentary group:
The parliamentary group of the National Liberal Party 

Groupes parlementaires travaillants - joint
Cancer fighting group

Parliamentary friendship groups:
 Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of Austria  Secretary
 Friendship parliamentary group with Armenia 
 Friendship parliamentary group with Republic of the Philippines 
 Friendship parliamentary group with Kingdom of Sweden 

Parliamentary activity in figures:
Legislative initiatives: 60, din care 22 promulgate legi

Postal address: Palatul Parlamentului, str.Izvor nr.2-4, sect.5, Bucharest, Romania friday, 11 october 2024, 15:44